Polly Valent – love affair #4

Another passion of mine is other people’s work – I just love to see what others are creating and especially to see the creative process behind the finished article. Even more so to learn new techniques – it’s not procrastinating, honest! Think of it more as ‘Continual Professional Development’.
I also have way more ideas that I will ever be able to make, even if I live to a ripe old age (and I promise I will be there sat up the corner of the old folk’s home armed with my scissors and glue till the very end!)
Hence this is also somewhere to share those that are surplus to requirements – and hopefully for you to share any projects which result from my sketches.

jeudi 16 avril 2015

Our fishy winners

Hello - here are our two fab fishy winners from April's challenge. 
Bonjour - voilà nos deux gagnants pour le défi du mois d'avril.

Some lovely smiley leaf fish  - des poissons feuilles souriants

and a lovely sparkly felty fish - et un poisson feutré brillant

Congratulations to Harriette and Andrew.  Félicitations à Harriette et à Andrew.

And here, as promised is a sneak peek of their prize.  I'll share the full photos and a tutorial to make one yourself next week, as I don't want to spoil the surprise for our two winners!

Et voici aussi, comme promis, un aperçu de leur récompense.  Je partagerai les photos ainsi qu'un tutoriel la semaine prochaine car je ne veux pas gâcher la surprise pour nos deux laureats!

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